Pawning Technology For Quick & Easy Cash
Case studies on technology assets pawned:

Jared pawned a near new iPhone 11
to help pay off a tax bill
Pledge Cash Offer

Sarah pawned her iMac to pay for
flights to a concert in Auckland
Pledge Cash Offer

Daryl pawned 2 brand new Samsung
Galaxies to help pay off a tax bill
Pledge Cash Offer

Accepted Technologies
From iPhones to iPads, Macbook Pro’s to new model Androids and more. Premier will loan you money against your mobile devices for quick and easy cash.
All items must be in good working order, and come complete with chargers and any accessories
You must be the legal owner of the item and the item must not be subject to any encumbrance or third party claim of any kind.
All phones must be either unlocked or on a prepaid plan (Proof Required)
When we complete a valuation (assuming your asset qualifies), we will take into consideration the age and condition of the item and its market value as of today, we will then make you an offer, if you accept our offer we can either deposit the funds into your account or give you cash, your choice!
Ready to pawn your technology with Premier?
A pawn loan may be a better option than having to sell your premium technology. You could be walking away with the money you need within minutes. We will keep your item safe and secure untill your ready to collect it.